Reign of Kings Wiki
Name Stag
Aggression Passive
HP 50
Strength -

A Stag is a peaceful creature. It roams the forests most of the time, usually closer toward the central provinces of the world, though they can be found anywhere if you look hard enough. They have great harvests and are no danger to hunt, but they do constantly try to flee if they are being attacked or you are getting too close to them.

Item Drops
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Item Drop Rate
Flax 790%
Bone 790%
Fat 400%
Leather Hide 330%
Meat 250%
Blood 90%
Deer Leg Club 30%
Heart 10%
Liver 10%

Combat Strategies
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  • They constantly try to flee if they are being attacked or you are getting too close to them. This can make it frustrating to hunt them by melee or javelins. In such cases as this, it is recommended to use a Wooden Short Bow or a Crossbow to hunt them. The former is much cheaper on resources to use for means of hunting.
  • Should you wish to hunt them using melee weapons anyway, it is best to corner them against cliff sides or awkward landscapes. If you have another player to help you hunt, you can make it flee back and forth between yourselves making for an easier time hunting. Be careful not to chase it into water though or it will magically walk along the bottom rendering them nearly impossible to hunt and harvest.
  • To view visual geographical locations of this creature or any other creature, check out the HD/SD world maps.

Game Version
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